four person hiking on mountain hill during daytime

Plan Your Trip

Fill in your trip details for a personalized travel experience tailored to your needs.

Trip Planning Form

Easily fill out your trip details for a seamless planning experience tailored to your needs.

flat lay photography of camera, book, and bag
flat lay photography of camera, book, and bag
white map near mug
white map near mug
Plan Your Trip

Submit your trip details including destination, duration, guest count, and preferences for personalized assistance.

Client Details

Provide essential information such as mobile number, arrival date, and children's ages for better service.

Trip Planning Form

Fill in your trip details to help us create the perfect experience for you and your family.

Trip Planning Form

Fill in your trip details including duration, guest count, kids' ages, mobile number, arrival date, destination, and hotel category.




Looking for a No Cost EMI Option?

No Cost EMI from Joshua Tours
No Cost EMI from Joshua Tours

To help us create an unforgettable journey tailored just for you, we kindly ask you to provide a few essential details. Knowing your arrival date, number of days you're planning, and any specifics like kids' ages or places you wish to visit allows us to craft the perfect itinerary that meets your expectations. The more information we have, the better we can ensure a smooth and memorable travel experience, customized to your needs. Your journey is important to us, and these details help us make it truly special!

desk globe on table
desk globe on table